Health And Wellness

9 Health And Wellness Business Ideas To Get You Started This Year

It’s safe to say that the global health and wellness industry is booming. To keep up with the ever-changing world of health and wellness, many people turn to a wide range of treatment options to boost their physical health. Knowing this, it is fair to say that starting up a business in this category could be a fantastic idea. However, there is no cookie-cutter approach to starting a successful wellness business. It takes commitment, hard work, and a little bit of risk to test your product or service and determine if it will be a winner. Nonetheless, if you are willing to take the plunge, many different ideas could get you started.

1.  CBD Products

CBD products are being legalized in more and more countries and states, indicating boom times for the industry. But what is CBD exactly? CBD or cannabidiol is a popular natural extract of the cannabis Sativa plant. It’s also one of the most misunderstood botanical substances today. This confusion is primarily due to CBD’s connection to its infamous cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. (Some people call THC marijuana’s “active ingredient.”) While CBD and THC are both derived from the same marijuana plant, they have significantly different effects.

Why Get Into It

CBD oil is becoming a popular alternative to traditional medications with its purported ability to relieve pain, anxiety, and inflammation. It is becoming so popular these days that entire industries have grown around it. Regarding the type of business, the CBD entrepreneurs Joy Organics suggests three main methods to start, including wholesale, affiliate, or private label (or even a combination of them). The most successful CBD businesses will usually begin by becoming affiliates for the popular CBD products so that they get to understand the type of customer and how the business operates. The next step is usually to move onto wholesale and eventually to set up your own private label.

Market Size: $429 Million (2020)

2.  Healthy Teas

Health awareness in America has increased with more people becoming aware that food is medicine, so more and more people are considering starting their own health tea business. While there are many different aspects involved in successfully running a health tea business, the first thing to remember is that having a passion for the products and a drive to help people improve their health is the most crucial factor.

Why Get Into It

As long as you can source your tea and remain honest in the purported health benefits (which is easy because there are many), you will get access to a clientele that understands the benefits that arise from tea.

Market Size: $820 Million (2019)

3.  Sleep Products

Although often overlooked, sleep is increasingly becoming more widely understood by the general public. The benefits of sleep can’t be understated: it helps us stay alert and productive during the day and has several other surprising and important side effects on our health. Without the proper amount of sleep, we can risk serious health problems like obesity and diabetes.

Why Get Into It

The opportunities are endless; from selling information and advice to physical products that aid a good night’s sleep, there are many avenues to explore.

Market Size: 64 Billion (2019)

4.  Healthy Food Delivery and Subscription

Eating healthy is a great way to look and feel better. By eating more fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins, you can fuel your body and cut extra calories. Learn about the benefits of eating healthy and how your body can benefit from eating better.

Why Get Into It

Most people are too busy ever to find the time to shop for high-quality food, let alone make an effort to cook it. Nevertheless, everyone understands the benefits of eating healthy. By creating a wholesome food delivery service that creates a specialized meal plan for specific needs, you could get into this lucrative market.

Market Size: $78 Billion (2019)

5.  Detoxification Clinics

Detox clinics are a great way to give your body a break by providing it with a range of services designed to cleanse and purify your body.

Why Get Into It

As with the previous business idea, most individuals don’t have the time or know-how to detox correctly. That is why there has been a boom in recent years of detoxification clinics popping up around the country.

Market Size: $42 Billion (2020)

6.  Supplements

The benefits of health supplements are many and varied. Particularly when it comes to vitamins and minerals, the key to good health lies in knowing what deficiencies you have and what you should be taking. This is where health supplements come in. They are a great way to fill in the gaps that your diet might leave, particularly if you do not eat a balanced diet.

Why Get Into It

The market is enormous and mature, meaning that there are numerous ways to get in. Similarly to CBD, you could begin as an affiliate then move into creating your own private label.

Market Size: $35 Billion (2018)

7.  Coaching

By now, you should begin to see a pattern emerging. That is to say that everyone knows that they should be healthy, but are either unable, don’t know, or both. Those who are certified as health coaches help people live healthier lives.

Why Get Into It

People need help, and you could be there to provide it.

Market Size: $4 Billion (2017)

8.  Meditation Coach

It has long been known that meditation is beneficial for the mind and body. It can help to destress the body and improve the clarity of thought.

Why Get Into It

As a growing industry, you could set up a business on the physical side of things or the teaching side. There are opportunities to be had.

Market Size: $1.2 Billion (2017)

9.  Skin Care

This opportunity is aimed at both men and women, with men’s skincare being the less saturated of the two.

Why Get Into It

We all care about how we look, and a business that provides the elixir for youthful-looking skin will always be in business.

Market Size: $62 Billion (2018)

Starting a health business isn’t easy. You’re going up against competitors in the industry for years and trying to make a name for your new business with a limited budget. Nevertheless, the rewards are there for the taking if you are bold enough and have a unique idea.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]